Keto Meal Delivery & Low Carb Delivery For Weight Loss

7. Broccoli

Something that might be a little more difficult to incorporate into your diet if you’re not a big fan of green vegetables is broccoli. But if you meant to mix it in, or if you’re one of the lucky few that enjoy it anyway, then you could benefit in numerous ways. One of the primary reasons broccoli helps with weight loss is that it’s low in calories.

An entire cup of cooked broccoli only has 54 calories, plus it contains an entire day’s worth of vitamins K and C. Broccoli is also a good source of vitamin A, vitamin B6, folate and potassium. Several of these nutrients can also promote weight loss because they’re essential for metabolizing fat. In addition to all of these positives, this green veggie is high in fiber and water, which makes you feel full for a longer time.

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